la décima edición de Elementary Technical Mathematics, fue escrita para ayudar a los estudiantes con el fundamento mínimo de las matemáticas para un estudio técnico, comercial, o programas de la salud.
Los autores han incluido numerosos ejemplos y aplicaciones que rodean áreas como operaciones industriales y de construcción, electrónica, agricultura, salud aliada, redacción, sistemas de climatización, soldadura, mecánica diesel de automóviles, la aviación, los recursos naturales, entre otros.
Esta edición contiene toda la aritmética básica, incluyendo el sistema métrico y medidas, álgebra, geometría, trigonometría y estadística, ya que todos están relacionados con los campos técnicos y comerciales. De esta forma, el objetivo de este texto es involucrar a los estudiantes y proporcionarles las bases de matemáticas que necesitan para tener éxito en los cursos y carreras futuras.
1.1: Review of Basic Operations
1.2: Order of Operations
1.3: Area and Volume
1.4: Formulas
1.5: Prime Factorization Divisibility
1.6: Introduction to Fractions
1.7: Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
1.8: Multiplication and Division of Fractions
1.9: The U.S.System of Weights and Measures
1.10: Addition and Subtraction of Decimal Fractions
1.11: Rounding Numbers
1.12: Multiplication and Division of Decimal Fractions
1.13: Percent
1.14: Part, Base, and Rate
1.15: Powers and Roots
1.16: Application Involving Percent: Personal FinanceChapter 2: Signed Numbers and Powers of 10
2.1: Addition of Signed Numbers
2.2: Subtraction of Signed Numbers
2.3: Multiplication and Division of Signed Numbers
2.4: Signed Fractions
2.5: Powers of 10
2.6: Scientific Notation
2.7: Engineering Notation
Chapter 3: The Metric System
3.1: Introduction to the Metric System
3.2: Length
3.3: Mass and Weight
3.4: Volume and Area
3.5: Tim, Current, and Other Units
3.6: Temperature
3.7: Metric and U.S. Conversion
Chapter 4: Measurement
4.1: Approximate Numbers and Accuracy
4.2: Precision and Greatest Possible Error
4.3: The Vernier Caliper
4.4: The Micrometer Caliper
4.5: Addition and Subtraction of Measurements
4.6: Multiplication and Division of Measurements
4.7: Relative Error and Percent Error
4.8: Color Code of Electrical Resistors
4.9: Reading Scales
Chapter 5: Polynomials: An Introduction to Algebra
5.1: Fundamental Operations
5.2: Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
5.3: Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials
5.4: Multiplication of Monomials
5.5: Multiplication of Polynomials
5.6: Division by a Monomial
5.7: Division by a Polynomial
Chapter 6: Equations and Formulas
6.1: Equations
6.2: Equations with Variables in Both Members
6.3: Equations with Parentheses
6.4: Equations with Fractions
6.5: Translating Words into Algebraic Symbols
6.6: Applications Involving Equations
6.7: Formulas
6.8: Substituting Data into Formulas
6.9: Reciprocal Formulas Using a Calculator
Chapter 7: Ratio and Proportion
7.1: Ratio
7.2: Proportion
7.3: Direct Variation
7.4: Inverse Variation
Chapter 8: Graphing Linear Equations
8.1: Linear Equations with Two Variables
8.2: Graphing Linear Equations
8.3: The Slope of a Line
8.4: The Equation of a Line (17)
Chapter 9: Systems of Linear Equations
9.1: Solving Pairs of Linear Equations by Graphing
9.2: Solving Pairs of Linear Equations by Addition
9.3: Solving Pairs of Linear Equations by Substitution
9.4: Applications Involving Pairs of Linear Equations
Chapter 10: Factoring Algebraic Expressions
10.1: Finding Monomial Factors
10.2: Finding the Product of Two Binomials Mentally
10.3: Finding Binomial Factors
10.4: Special Products
10.5: Finding Factors of Special Products
10.6: Factoring General Trinomials
Chapter 11: Quadratic Equations
11.1: Solving quadratic Equations by Factoring
11.2: The Quadratic Formula
11.3: Applications Involving Quadratic Equations
11.4: Graphs of Quadratic Equations
11.5: Imaginary Numbers
Chapter 12: Geometry
12.1: Angles and Polygons
12.2: Quadrilaterals
12.3: Triangles
12.4: Similar Polygons
12.5: Circles
12.6: Radian Measure
12.7: Prisms
12.8: Cylinders
12.9: Pyramids and Cones
12.10: Spheres
Chapter 13: Right Triangle Trigonometry
13.1: Trigonometric Ratios
13.2: Using Trigonometric Ratios to Find Angles
13.3: Using Trigonometric Ratios to Find Sides
13.4: Solving Right Triangles
13.5: applications Involving Ratios to Find Sides
Chapter 14: Trigonometry with Any Angle
14.1: Sine and Cosine Graphs
14.2: Period and Phase Shift
14.3: Solving Oblique Triangles: Law of Sines
14.4: Law of Sines: The Ambiguous Case
14.5: Solving Oblique Triangles: Law of Cosines
Chapter 15: Basic Statistics
15.1: Bar Graphs
15.2: Circle Graphs
15.3: Line Graphs
15.4: Other Graphs
15.5: Mean Measurement
15.6: Other Average Measurements and Percentiles
15.7: Range and Standard Deviation
15.8: Grouped Data
15.9: Standard Deviation for Grouped Data
15.10: Statistical Process Control
15.11: Other Graphs for Statistical Data
15.12: Normal Distribution
15.13: Probability
15.14: Independent Events
Chapter 16: Binary and Hexadecimal Numbers
16.1: Introduction to Binary Numbers
16.2: Addition of Binary Numbers
16.3: Subtraction of Binary Numbers
16.4: Multiplication of Binary Numbers
16.5: Conversion from Decimal to Binary System
16.6: Conversion from Binary to Decimal System
16.7: Hexadecimal System
16.8: Addition and Subtraction of Hexadecimal Numbers
16.9: Binary to Hexadecimal Conversion
16.10: Hexadecimal Code for Colors
Autor/es: C. Robert Nelson / Dale Ewen
Edición: 10ma Edición
ISBN: 1439046891
Tipo: Libro
Formato: PDF
Idioma: Inglés